Add facilities, rooms, areas


To create a new facility, right click on the Facilities node (is placed in Base configuration under the Site node) and in the context menu choose the Add Facility item. In the displayed window, type a name of facility and click OK. The description of facility can be given in the Properties and Links panel.

Each facility can contain several rooms which, in turn, can contain several areas.


To create a new room, right click on the Rooms? node (is placed under the corresponding facility node) and in the context menu choose the Add Room item. In the displayed window, type a name of room. The description of room can be given in the Properties and Links panel.


To create a new area, right click on the Areas node (is placed under the corresponding room node) and in the context menu choose the Add Area item. In the displayed window, type a name of area. The description of area can be given in the Properties and Links panel.

There are two types of area: Processing and Storage. The type of area is defined in the Properties and Links panel.


A room is divided into areas in such a way that one Waste management activity (WM activity) occurs in each area.