For checking for clearance right click on the Check for clearance node (placed under the Site/Base configuration/Waste management activities node) and in the context menu choose the Add Check for Clearance item. In the displayed window, type a name and click OK. The description can be given in the Properties and Links panel.
Check for clearance can be added to waste component in the Preview or modify waste stream window as a virtual WM activity with two outputs:
Finally, check for clearance can be completed. In the Preview or modify waste stream window, right click on the Check for clearance activity and in the context menu choose the option Perform check for clearance. The window containing the table of radionuclides present in the waste component will be displayed. Concentration of each radionuclide (in Bq/g) and clearance level value (provided in the database) will be compared. Red font colour is used to highlight concentrations violating criteria.
Based on these data, user can decide whether waste can be or can’t be cleared and select one of the corresponding check-boxes in the window. If the Waste can be cleared option is selected by the user, “non-cleared waste” output will be disabled. If the Waste can’t be cleared option is selected, “cleared waste” output will be disabled.
Disabling output will also disable all WM activities and components in the stream which are located “after” this output. All disabled waste components are excluded from SAFRAN assessments. To enable all waste components user can right click on the Check for clearance and select Reset check for clearance item.