For impacts of the type “releases to air” if the user selects the option “impacts outside” then in addition to Table 3.4 (for quantification of impacts inside) a second table (Table 3.5) is added for quantification of impacts outside.
The total releases inside calculated for each radionuclide with equation 3.7 are used for calculating the releases outside or each radionuclide with the following equation:
The filtration efficiency is the fraction of the released radionuclide that is retained in the filtration system and can take values between zero and one. The values are radionuclide specific. The filtration efficiency values are defined by the user in the properties of the Safety Function assigned to a Filtration Element which is added by SAFRAN to each facility. If in the scenario definition this safety function is switched off then SAFRAN will assume a value of zero for the filtration efficiency.
The HQ for each radionuclide are calculated by dividing the calculated values of the release outside by the corresponding value of the Screening Release Outside. Values of the Screening Release Outside for each supported radionuclide are included in the SAFRAN Internal Database. These are defined as the release that would lead to an integrated dose equal to the Screening Dose for accidents (assumed equal to 0.1 mSv) for standardized conservative exposure conditions. The total HQ is obtained by summing the HQ of all released radionuclides:
Table 3.5. Quantification of impacts outside the facility of the type “releases to air”.
RN – radionuclide, HQ – Hazard Quotient, SDM – System Description Module, SDB – SAFRAN Internal Database, N/A – not applicable. The cell marked in read is used in the Analysis Module for comparison of hazards.
Definition of columns in Table 3.5:
Columns in Table 3.5 that can be modified by the user: The user can modify the following columns: 4 – for entering directly values of Release outside and 5 – for entering own values of the Screening Release Outside.