Main Window

User can increase the viewing and editing space, depending on how you arrange the windows in the UI (User Interface). There are many options for arranging windows within the UI, including the following:

  • Tab-dock main window panels.
  • Dock main window panels to the edge of a frame in the UI.
  • Minimize main window panels along the edge of the UI.
  • Reset window placement to the default layout.

For more information about the differences between main window panels, see:

Docking Windows

When a main window panel is dockable, it can be fastened to one side of a frame within the UI. A guide diamond appears when you drag main window panels from their current location to another location in the UI. The guide diamond allows user to quickly re-dock a main window panel on one of the four sides of the UI. When a main window panel is undocked or not dockable, it floats on top of the other panels/windows.

To dock main window panels

  1. Click the main window panels you want to dock, to give it focus.

  2. Drag the tool window from its current location towards the middle of the UI. A guide diamond appears. The four arrows of the diamond point towards the four edges of the UI.

  3. When the window you are dragging reaches the position where you want to dock it, move the pointer over the corresponding portion of the guide diamond. An outline of the window appears in the designated area.

  4. To dock the window in the position indicated, release the mouse button.

For example, if Object explorer (folders or type view) is docked on the right edge of the UI and user want to dock it on the left edge, drag Object explorer (folders or type view) towards the middle of the UI, move the pointer over the left side of the guide diamond, and then release the mouse button.

Minimizing Tool Windows

Main window panels, all of which appear on the View menu, support a feature called Auto Hide. Auto Hide enables you to see more of UI space at one time by minimizing Main window panels along the edges of the UI when not in use.

To turn on Auto Hide

  • Click the window you want to hide to give it focus.
  • Click the pushpin icon on the title bar of the window.

Auto Hide Enabled - The pushpin icon is in the horizontal position

When an auto-hidden window loses focus, it automatically slides back to its tab on the edge of the UI. While a window is auto-hidden, its name and icon are visible on a tab at the edge of the UI. To display an auto-hidden window, move your pointer over the tab. The window slides back into view and is ready for use.

To turn off Auto Hide

  • Click the window you want to keep visible to give it focus.
  • Click the pushpin icon on the title bar of the window.

Auto Hide Disabled - The pushpin icon is in the vertical position

Tip: Tool windows that have Auto Hide enabled temporarily slide into view when the window has focus. To hide the window again, select an item outside of the current window. Once the window loses focus, it slides back out of view

Resetting Window Layouts

You can return the UI to the default window layout for your settings collection. When you run this command, the following actions occur:

  • All windows are moved to their default positions.

  • Windows that are closed in the default window layout are closed by the command.

  • Windows that are open in the default window layout are opened by the command.

You can specify a different default window layout by saving your current window settings: in the Main Menu, select Window | Save current window layout to be used as default

To reset window placement to the default layout:

  • On the Windows menu in the Main Menu, click Reset window layout to default command.

In the SAFRAN UI user can also define window style. In the Main Menu, select Window | Change visual style and choose between:

  • Media player purple
  • Office 2003
  • Office 2007 Blue