The assessment endpoints define endpoints of assessments for different scenarios. To define an endpoint, user has to specify whether the endpoints refer to assessments inside or outside the facilities.
Endpoints can be linked to one or several relevant impacts that affect the same way as the endpoints (inside/outside). This means that endpoints of the type inside can be linked to scenarios with impacts inside or inside and outside. Equally, endpoints of the type outside can be linked to scenarios with impacts outside or inside and outside. In the analyses SAFRAN will use the results of assessment cases for all scenarios with the same impact. If an endpoint is linked to several impact objects they should be of the same type.
The endpoints can be linked to one or several regulatory criteria.
The assessment endpoints can be of the type Dose or Other. For assessment endpoints of the type Dose, SAFRAN provides methods of dose calculating, which will depend on the type of linked impacts (see Assessment cases). If user classifies an assessment endpoint as OTHER, user will be able to add user-defined tables in the assessment cases, where results of assessments made outside SAFRAN can be included.
Once endpoints have been added, user may add one or several assessment cases to any endpoint. For this purpose the Add assessment case action is available for endpoints.